Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional natural forms of medicine. Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using various safe natural therapies. Our naturopathic doctor offers a complete family practice and thus sees a full range of conditions.
A naturopathic doctor is a primary care practitioner that seeks to restore and maintain optimum health in their patients by emphasizing nature’s inherent self-healing process. A naturopathic doctor views the individual in their entirety including the physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environmental and lifestyle factors affecting health. In the naturopathic paradigm, symptoms are seen as signs of improper functioning at a deeper level and disease as a process on a continuum, rather than as an entity. The goal then, is to treat the underlying cause of the disease rather than suppress symptoms. Accordingly, treatments are created for the individual not the disease, and not on the generality of symptoms. The human body is intricate, intelligent and complex, and responds to thoughts, emotions, foods, physical trauma and the environment, and naturopathic doctors consider all factors when taking a case and building a treatment plan.